The Artist
Sarahjean D. Richardson
Sarahjean Richardson (she/her) is an experienced artist and illustrator based in Toronto, ON. She creates digital media using bright, expressive colours while ensuring inclusive representation is present within her artwork. Sarahjean has an exceptional eye for detail and portrays excellent collaborative and inter-personal skills exhibited during each phase of the design process. As an adaptive creator, Sarahjean ensure the designs fits within client’s vision, where they can truly feel their ideas come to life.
With a BA in Psychology, and a minor in Spanish, Sarahjean is a self-taught and has been a featured artist with Inside Out Creator’s Closet in 2021 and Raw Artists Showcase in 2020. Her artwork has shown in Esperanto Gallery and Gallery 1017 and has been featured in the online publication, Lesbians are Miracles. Her portfolio consists of personal and commissioned work with a client list that includes Wilifrid Laurier University; Carleton University; and ScienceUp First. As a Trinidadian/Canadian she is a very passionate-creative, a lover of music and continues to use her art to embrace and honour the beauty of her heritage, rooted in her love of art.
Artist Statement:
“I believe it’s important for us as a people, individually and collectively, to feel seen. My hope is that others can relate to and appreciate these aspects within my creations. My intention is simply to illustrate our beauty while exploring our unique diversity through colour.”
If you would like to work together, please do not hesitate to contact me!